Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxAlertBitmaps [Bitmap1Expression, Bitmap2Expression, Bitmap3Expression, Bitmap4Expression]
Action[Statement] Allocates bitmaps to buttons on Alert dialogs.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement allows the user to allocate an appropriate bitmap against buttons on the Alert dialog. The bitmaps whose number is contained in the BitmapExpression arguments are associated with the buttons from left to right in the dialog. The bitmap numbers represent the position of the bitmap in the bitmap dialog selection list in the button properties. eg The tick bitmap is number 2.

CategoryUser dialogs
See Also Alert, AlertButtons, Beep, HelpAbout, Input, InputPassword, Message, PopupColour_PopupColor, PopupFlags, PopupFont, PopupJustification, PopupSize, PopupTitle, StatusLine

This example sets up two buttons on the dialog with the tick and cross bitmaps.

AlertBitmaps 2, 3
AlertButtons "Yes", "No"
Alert "Do you really want to do this ?"