Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxCatalogProperty ObjectType, Name, PropertyName, PropertyValue [, upgrade]
Action[Function] This function will return the particular property for an object specified.
ScopeUsable anywhere

ObjectType takes a numeric value of:

  • 1 Tables
  • 2 Fields
  • 3 Indexes
  • 4 Workareas
  • 5 Libraries
  • 6 Public Procedures

Name takes a string value and is the name of the item you are looking to find the property for.

PropertyName is a string that should be supplied and specifies the property the function is using to return a PropertyValue for.

PropertyValue contains the value of the specified property when the function returns.

Upgrade is an optional parameter that takes the value 0 or 1.

  • 0 is the default and uses the application catalog.
  • 1 will specify that the catalog held within the .pub file must be used. This file must be named [appliationName].pub and should be placed in the root folder of the application.

Depending on the object type the PropertyName string can be any one of the following:


Name name of table
TableLevel level of table in hierarchy, root table being table 0
NumberOfFields number of fields in table
NumberOfIndexes number of indexes in table
MasterItem original or published

Workareas and Fields

Name name of field
TableName name of table
DisplayLength number of characters to display
DataTypeName Character, Date, Time, Logical, Radio, 1 - Byte, 2 - Word, 4 - Long, Number, Memo, Picture. (Note that Byte, Word and Long are all variations of the basic type 'Number'. Equinox decides internally if it can use one of these shorter forms, depending on how long the number is, and how many decimal places have been requested.)
PasswordFormat character fields only
Overtype character fields only
Justify character fields only
ComboFormat character fields only
Audited all fields except PICTURE fields
MonthFormat all fields except PICTURE fields
YearFormat date field only
AllowWild date field only
AllowCurrent date field only
AllowBlank date field only
NoSeconds time field only
TwelveHourFormat time field only
LeadingZeroes number field only
DecimalPlaces number field only
NegativeFormat number field only
NoWordWrap memo fields only
HasVerticalScroll memo fields only
MasterItem original or published
Comment The comment field for a field or workarea
Scope For workareas only - returns local or public


Name Name of index
TableName Name of table

0 or 1 - this applies to each field in the index but there is only one property, so the result actually comes back as a 'bit field'. So, if index field 1 is reversed, then the 'reverse' property returns 1; however, if index fields 1 and 2 are reversed, then the property returns 3. .

IgnoreCase 0 or 1 - this applies to each field in the index but there is only one property, so the result actually comes back as a 'bit field'. So, if index field 1 is IgnoreCase, then the 'IgnoreCase' property returns 1; however, if index fields 1 and 2 are IgnoreCase, then the property returns 3 and so on.

Global 0 or 1
Primary 1 is a table index, 0 is a query index
Shared 0 or 1
Unique Returns 2 for normal indexes, 1 for 'unique,nonblank' indexes
NonBlank 0 (normal) or 1 (nonblank).
AuditIdentifier 0 or 1
FieldName1 This returns not only the field name but also the start and length of the index segment, with comma separators eg "AccountCode,2,10" - note that if the user has left start and length empty (the default), it will return (eg) "AccountCode,0,0"
FieldName2 Second field of Index
FieldName3 Third field of Index
FieldName4 Fourth field of Index


Name Procedure library name


There are no prperties implemented for Procedures.

See Also CatalogEnumProperty, Catalogname, LoadCatalogs

This example will return the Data Type for a field called UsrConLogin, the number of fields in the table UsrCon and the Table that index UsrInDateTimegx belongs to

string vsProperty


CatalogProperty 2, "UsrConLogin", "DataTypeName", vsProperty
Print vsProperty

CatalogProperty 1, "UsrCon", "NumberOfFields", vsProperty
Print vsProperty

CatalogProperty 3, "UsrInDateTimegx", "TableName", vsProperty
Print vsProperty