Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxChangeGroup GroupExpression
Action[Statement] Chooses a form group as the current group.
ScopeOnly usable in form methods.

This statement allows you to select a form group, from within a method. The argument, GroupExpression, is the group's object name. Note that an object name is a string. If supplied as a constant, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

This statement is particularly useful for form button methods. eg You could create a button that allows the user to switch groups. Note that any subsequent statements in the same method effect the new group, not the one to which the method is attached.

If the group cannot be located, an error number is stored in the system workarea SysError.

See Also ChangeEditLine, ChangeGroup, ChangeObject, ChangePage, CurrentEventName, CurrentGroupName, CurrentObjectName, CurrentPageName, DefaultHelp, EnableGroup, EnablePage, Get, IsPageScroll, NextObjectName, Set, SetDefaultHelp, SetEquinoxTitle, SetPageScroll, SetPageTitle, ShowPage

This method saves the current record (if it is being edited), selects the customer group, selects insert mode and positions the cursor in the name field.

If SysMode = InsertMode, EditMode Then SaveRecord

ChangeGroup "customer"
ChangeObject "name"