Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxCompare(String1Expression, String2Expression)
Action[Function] Returns an indication of the similarity between two strings.
ScopeUsable anywhere

This function compares the arguments (String1Expression and String2Expression) and returns a numeric value indicating the degree of similarity between them. A return value of 100 indicates that the strings are identical and a return value of zero indicates that the arguments are completely dissimilar.

CategoryString handling
See Also ChrList, Chrs, Fill, IsNumber, Left_Function, Len, Match, Maxlen, Mid_Function, Remove, Replace, Right_Function], Search_SearchNext, SetLen, SetMaxLen, SortOrder, SubstituteData

In the following example, a criminal's surname (held in the current record) is compared with the name of a suspect. If they are similar, the record is marked in the NewSuspect index.

if Compare(surname, suspect) > 85 then
MarkIndex NewSuspect
end if