Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxDisplayMessage MessageExpression [, Destination] [, NameExpression]
Action[Statement] Sends a display message to a specified user (or users)
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This function sends a display message directly to a specified user (or users). The message is displayed on the user's screen.

The message is supplied as the first argument, MessageExpression. The second and third arguments, Destination and NameExpression, identify the user or users to which the message is directed. Destination may take one of the following values:

Destination Result
ToAnyone The message is sent to the first available user identified by the Equinox server.
ToConnection The message is sent to the user identified by the connection number specified in NameExpression.
ToConsole The message is sent to the Equinox server console screen
ToEveryone A copy of the message is sent to all users.
ToGroup A copy of the message is sent to every user belonging to the user group specified in NameExpression.
ToGroupMember The message is sent to the first available user belonging to the user group specified in NameExpression.
ToLocker The message is sent to the user owning the lock against which a request last failed.
ToSender The message is sent to the user who sent the message (queued or displayed) to be last received.
ToUser The message is sent to the user whose login name is specified by NameExpression.

If the message is not accepted for transmission, then an error number is stored in the SysError system workarea. Note that messages sent to connections or users who are not logged in will not be accepted.

See Also DeleteAllMessages, DeleteMessage, MessageID, MessageMaxLength, MessageQueueSize, MessageRetrieved, MessagesWaiting, QueueMessage, RetrieveMessage

The first example requests a connection number from the system supervisor.

DisplayMessage "What is your connection no?", ToUser, "spvr"

The next example sends a message which may be directed to any user.

DisplayMessage "Is anybody out there?", ToAnyone

The last example sends a message to a user who is locking a record and preventing access by other users.

DisplayMessage "Please close your current record!", ToLocker