Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxExit keyword [LabelName]
Action[Statement] Jumps out of the specified structure, block, method, screen, or application.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement can be used to jump out of a block, method, screen or even an application. Keyword specifies the structure or block and may be one of the following:

ApplicationExits Equinox
BlockExits a Block structure
ForExits a For structure.
IfExits an If structure
MethodExits from the current method
Method AbortIf used in the Before Delete method, exits from the current method and aborts the delete operation. If used in Close Window method, exits from the current method and aborts the close operation.
If used in other methods, exits the method only
ModuleExits to the previous module (or start-up screen if there was no previous module)
RepeatExits a Repeat structure
SubtableExits a Subtable structure
SwitchExits a Switch structure
ToChangeApplicationExits to the Change Application dialog
ToLoginForces the user to re-login
WhileExits a While structure

The optional argument, LabelName, is only used with the Block keyword. It is used to specify the block's name.

There is no Exit Procedure. Use Return instead.

CategoryFlow Control
See Also Block_EndBlock, BreakPressed, Continue, Execute, EnableInput, Exit, For...Next

This example searches for full stops in the comment field. If a full stop is not followed by a space character, one is inserted. The Exit Block statement is used to branch to the Alert statement, when the process is finished.

number dot

dot = 1

dot = "." >> Mid(comment, dot)
if dot = 0 Or dot = Len(comment) then Exit block
if comment[dot + 1] <> " " then comment[dot] = ". "
dot += 1
continue block
end block

Alert comment