Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxHms(HoursExpression, MinutesExpression, SecondsExpression)
Action[Function] Returns a time value.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This function returns a time value, based on HoursExpression, MinutesExpression and SecondsExpression. The arguments default to numbers, but Equinox will accept other time values. If you do use a time value then the relevant part of it is used. Equinox corrects invalid arguments to the nearest legal value. You may also use a wildcard time, '?-?-?', as an argument.

CategoryTime handling
See Also Hmsadd, Hour, Minute, Now, Second, Timer

This example copies the hour value from the current time.

time hours

hours = Hms(Now, 0, 0)