Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxListRead (ListItem, IndexExpression)
Action[Function] Reads a specified entry from a combo field.
ScopeOnly usable in form methods.

This function is used to read the item in the list at position IndexExpression, which is in the combo field specified by the ListItem parameter.

The system workarea SysError is set to a non-zero value if an error occurs, otherwise zero.

CategoryCombo lists
See Also ListAppend, ListCount, ListDelete, ListDeleteString, ListEmpty, ListFind, ListInsert, ListReset, ListSpace

This example creates a list of values in a combo workarea based on those in a combo field.

int n
string ThisItem

n = 0

| Empty Workarea
ListEmpty wCounty

while not syserror
ThisItem = ListRead(County, n)
ListAppend wCounty, ThisItem
n += 1
end while