Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
Action[Statement] Creates or refreshes an existing catalog.
ScopeUsable everywhere

To create a catalog use the LoadCatalogs statement. Note - the statement is plural. Once created, this catalog can be queried.

This statement can also be used to refresh the catalogs after any alterations have been made to the applications structure eg: after altering field properties.

LoadCatalogs loads this information for the current application.

LoadCatalogs also gives you the facility to query an upgrade file (you may only create and distribute upgrade files if you have a Publisher License). This file must be available in the application directory. If the upgrade file is not available, SysError will return 1. However, even under these circumstances, the master application catalog will still be available.

See Also CatalogEnumProperty, Catalogname, CatalogProperty

This example refreshes a catalog before more operations are carried out on it:


subtable Catalog
SetIndex gxcatDate
FindRecord EQ, Today

if syserror then vlNewRecord = true
| etc...