Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxMessageRetrieved ([IdentiferExpression])
Action[Function] Determines whether a particular queue message has been retrieved
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This function returns True if a specified message has been retrieved from the server message queue and False if it has not. The identifier of the message to be checked is specified by the argument, IdentifierExpression. If IdentifierExpression is omitted, it defaults to the last message sent by the current client.

Note that group and global messages are sent individually to each member. The MessageRetrieved function does not detect whether such a message has been retrieved by all members.

See Also DeleteAllMessages, DeleteMessage, DisplayMessage, MessageID, MessageMaxLength, MessageQueueSize, MessagesWaiting, QueueMessage, RetrieveMessage

The following example deletes an old message from the server queue, if it has not been retrieved.

if not(MessageRetrieved (OldMessage)) then
DeleteMessage OldMessage
end if