Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxMirrorDisable [mode]

If the optional parameter mode is set to one (default), this statement prevents the client from issuing insert, update or delete record operations on the mirror, which therefore implies that the mirror will become out of date, and will subsequently need to be corrected.

However if mode is set to 2, mirror operations are not carried out immediately, but are instead stored in server table queues which are later consumed by a background mirror record checking server process. Single user Equinox adds to the queues but does not process them; mirror updates will therefore be delayed until the server is run again. If the queues are not empty when the process terminates, they are stored in Database\.mrc files. This mode may also be enabled using the ini key/value NoMirrorDll=2.

A value of zero restores normal operation, and a value of -1 returns the current setting in the system workarea SysReply.

Note that the default state for the Equinox mirror system is that it updates the mirror immediately and inline with the Equinox record update.

See Also  