Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxPickColumnWidths [WidthExpression1- 16]
Action[Statement] Specifies the widths of each column displayed in a pick dialog.
ScopeOnly usable in form methods.

This statement specifies up to sixteen widths where WidthExpression is a number of characters. This statement alters the column widths of Pick, PickWrite or PickRange dialog. The widths are supplied as numbers in standard snap grid units (one tenth of an inch) and are listed with comma separators. This statement should precede any Pick statement.

CategoryPick lists
See Also Pick_PickRecord, PickCaptions, PickFields, PickList, PickListSelection, PickRange_PickRecordRange, PickSelection, PickWrite_PickRecordWrite

This example specifies the fields to be displayed within a pick statement followed by the column headings and column widths.

PickFields Surname, Inits, Title, Dept
PickCaptions "Surname", "Initials", "Title", "Department"
PickColumnWidths 15,5,5,115
Volunteer = Pick(EmployeeNo, ,iSurname)