Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxPickListSelect line [, select]
ActionSelects/deselects/queries the 1-based line number to be highlighted in a forthcoming PickList statement. If 0 is supplied for line, all items are affected.
NotesThe line parameters may be 0-256, where 0 means all. For the select parameter, supply 0 to clear the selection, 1 to set it (default), or 2 to query the selection.
CategoryPick lists
See Also Pick_PickRecord, PickCaptions, PickColumnWidths, PickFields, PickList, PickListSelection, PickRange_PickRecordRange, PickWrite_PickRecordWrite, PickSelect, PickListSelect
string s
int i, n

PrintDevice ""
print "Picklist selections"

PickListSelect 2
PickListSelect 3
PickListSelect 5

PickListSelect 3, 0
PickListSelect 3, 2
if SysReply then Alert "Query bug A"

PickListSelect 2, 2
if not SysReply then Alert "Query bug B"

PopupFlags 64
s = PickList("/Hello/world/what/an/amazing")
n = SysResult

print "'" & s & "'", SysReply, SysResult
for i = 1 to n
PickListSelection i, s
print i, s