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PickWrite, PickRecordWrite

Applies to
SyntaxPickWrite ValueExpression, WritefieldName, [SearchExpression], IndexName [, LowerExpression, UpperExpression]
PickRecordWrite ValueExpression, WritefieldName, [SearchExpression], IndexName [, LowerExpression, UpperExpression], Field1Name [, Field2Name, Field3Name, Field4Name]
Action[Statement] These statements compile a list of remote records that pass a search criterion. You pick one of the records and a specified field value is written to it.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement is similar to the Pick function in that it generates a list of remote records defined by IndexName, SearchExpression, LowerExpression and UpperExpression. Any of SearchExpression, LowerExpression and UpperExpression may be MakeKey values.

Rather than reading value from the remote record, this statement writes a new value into the specified field (WritefieldName) in the remote record. ValueExpression supplies the new field value.

Apart from setting the field value, this statement also sets the SysReply system workarea

  • 0 Value returned (as normal)
  • -1 User pressed the Escape key, or chose the Cancel button
  • -2 No response (timeout error)
  • -3 Undefined error

Note that you:

  • May use this statement to write to a record in the current table
  • Cannot use this statement to write a picture field value
CategoryPick lists
See Also Pick_PickRecord, PickCaptions, PickColumnWidths, PickFields, PickList, PickListSelection, PickRange_PickRecordRange, PickSelection

The following example allows the user to choose sixteen seeds for a forthcoming tennis match. The PickRecordWrite statement displays a list of players, with their ranking and country of origin.

for i = 1 To 16
PopupTitle "Choose seed no " & i
PickRecordWrite i, seed, ,SeedName, 0, 0, name, rank, origin