Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z


PopupColour, PopupColor

Applies to
SyntaxPopupColour [SelectForeColour, SelectBackColour, ForeColour, BackColour]
PopupColor [SelectForeColour, SelectBackColour, ForeColour, BackColour]
Action[Statement] Sets the popup dialog colours.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement sets the colour of the text, background and the selected item (if any) in popup dialogs. The new colours are supplied as Equinox colour names from the Colour Palette selector in the Property window. If you omit any, the initial default colour is used. If other colours (16 to 255) are given names using the Colour Palette selector, those names become reserved words in the language and are accessible in the same way as the system colours. If other colours (16 to 255) are not given names, they are accessible only by using their colour number.

Note that after the popup dialog has been displayed, it reverts to its original default colour set.

There is no difference between the two statements other than spelling.

CategoryUser dialogs
See Also Alert, AlertBitmaps, AlertButtons, Beep, Year, Edit, HelpAbout, Input, InputPassword, Message, PopupFlags, PopupFont, PopupJustification, PopupSize, PopupTitle

The following example sets colours for a Pick statement.

string Desc

PopupColour Red, White, Black, Grey
PickFields StockDesc, StockNo
PickCaptions “Description”, “Number”
Desc = Pick(StockDesc, ,cxStockDesc)