Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxPopupFlags FlagsExpression
Action[Statement] Sets the moveable, sizeable, scrollable and selection attributes for the popup dialog.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement sets the window attributes of popup dialogs. The new attributes are supplied as the argument, FlagsExpression, which is a combination of the following numbers:

  • 1 Allows the operator to move the dialog if it has a caption
  • 2 [reserved for future use]
  • 4 Adds a scrollbar to the dialog
  • 8 Adds tabular lines to the dialog
  • 16 Adds progressive find capability to the dialog
  • 32 Shows keys pressed in the dialog caption if progressive find is active
  • 64 Sets Pick and PickList list to be multi-selectable

To specify more than one attribute, add the numbers together. If you wish to disable an attribute, do not include its number. If you omit FlagsExpression, the initial default settings are used. Equinox uses attributes only where appropriate (eg the Alert dialog cannot have a scrollbar).

Progressive find capabilities are only added if the dialog has no scrollbar. A progressive find is one where each key press (within a specified time-out) narrows the search selection. The Back Space key erases the last character typed and the Delete key empties the buffer completely.

The time-out has a default setting of three seconds, but can be changed to any value in the range [1 to 60] seconds, using the SysKeyInterval system workarea.

Note that after the popup dialog has been displayed, the attributes revert to their default settings.

CategoryUser dialogs
See Also Alert, AlertBitmaps, AlertButtons, Beep, Edit, HelpAbout, Input, InputPassword, Message, PopupColour_PopupColor, PopupFont, PopupJustification, PopupSize, PopupTitle

The following example sets up a moveable Pick dialog with no scrollbar.

string desc

PopupFont "Times New Roman"
PopupTitle "Select Part No"
PopupSize 25, 10, 30, 6
PopupFlags 1
PickFields StockNo, StockDesc
PickCaptions "No", "Description"
desc = Pick(StockNo, StockDesc)