Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxPopupJustification [J1Expression, J2Expression, ... J16Expression]
Action[Statement] Sets the justification attributes for the popup dialog.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This statement sets the object justification attributes of popup dialogs. The Pick statement uses all sixteen possible parameters to determine the justification of each column used in the dialog. The Alert statement uses just the first parameter, which it applies to the entire dialog. The other statements use the first few parameters as appropriate. The justification for each item is supplied as the argument, JExpression, which is one of the following numbers:

  • 0 Left
  • 1 Right
  • 2 Centre

If you omit JExpression for a particular item, the default setting is used for the object type; for example, numbers are right justified

Note that after the popup dialog has been displayed, the justification reverts to its default setting.

CategoryUser dialogs
See Also Alert, AlertBitmaps, AlertButtons, Beep, Edit, HelpAbout, Input, InputPassword, Message, PopupColour_PopupColor, PopupFlags, PopupFont, PopupSize, PopupTitle

The following example sets up a Pick dialog with the first column left-justified and the second column centred.

string desc

PopupSize 25,10,30,6
PopupJustification 0,2
PickFields StockNo, StockDesc
PickCaptions “Number”, “Description”
desc = Pick(StockNo, , StockNo)