Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxRGBValues RGBExpression [,RedItem, GreenItem, BlueItem , SpareItem]
Action[Statement] Returns the individual values from the RGB item.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

This function places the component colours from RGBExpression into RedItem, GreenItem, BlueItem and SpareItem. The latter optionally allows a value to be retrieved for the high order byte.

CategoryFonts and Colours
See Also ChangePalette, ColourName_ColorName, ColourNumber_ColorNumber, FontHandle, FontName, FontNumber, PaletteRGB, RGB

This line retrieves individual colours for palette index 27.

int r,g,b,s

RGBValues PaletteRGB(27), r,g,b,s