Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
Action[Function] Returns the internal logical record id of the current record.
ScopeForms or subtables.

This function returns the internal logical record id of the parent of the current record, or zero if there is no current record or if the current record has no parent. This number uniquely identifies the parent record in its table. It may change after the parent table is optimised.

Both ParentRecordID and RecordID work in the current subtable block. To identify a grandparent subtable into the parent table and call ParentRecord ID from there.

The use of this function is no recommended except for debug purposes as the id may change if the record is optimised.

CategoryRecord navigation
See Also ExecuteTaskParent, ParentRecordID

This example sets the text label with the object name oRecID to be the record id of the current record. In BeforeDisplay insert

oRecID.text = RecordID