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Applies to
SyntaxSetInsertMode [NewMode]
Action[Statement] Sets whether keyboard insert on edit is enabled.
ScopeOnly usable in form methods.

This statement switches the keyboard between overtype and insert mode. Additionally, it can also control whether text is selected when switching to insert mode. This could be carried out within the Start of Task event to set an overall condition for the form or on a field by field basis by using the Before Field event. NewMode can be one of the following numbers:

  • 0 Overtype mode (text not selected)
  • 1 Insert mode (text selected)
  • 2 Overtype mode (text not selected)
  • 3 Insert mode (text not selected)
CategoryRecord data entry
See Also Zoom, Find, FindText, GetFindValues, IsInsertMode, RestoreRecord, SaveRecord, SetFindValues, StartEdit, StartInsert, UpdateDisplay

The following method fragment sets overtype mode.

SetInsertMode 0