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Applies to
SyntaxUnlock [ItemList]
Action[Statement] Unlocks fields, records, tables, or other items so that they can be accessed by other users.
ScopeUsable anywhere.

Locking is a system which protects data integrity in a multi-user environment. When data is accessed by a user, it is locked so that no other user can edit or delete it. Once items such as tables or query indexes are locked, no other user can alter them until they are unlocked again.

Some items must be locked manually, using the lock statement. The Unlock statement unlocks such items.

The argument, ItemList, is a comma-separated list of items to be locked and may contain the following:

  • The Subtable keyword (locks the current record in the home table and any related records)
  • Table names
  • Public workarea names

If you omit ItemList, it defaults to Subtable only. Note that if a subtable is locked and not specifically unlocked, then it remains locked until the subtable block is closed. Other items, such as query indexes, remain locked until you switch to a different application, or until the copy of Equinox is closed.

See Also ApplicationState, IsLocked, IsLockedByMe, Lock, LockApplication, LockRelated, LockRetry, RetryInterval1, RetryInterval2, UnlockApplication

The following example unlocks the current subtable and all associated records.

Unlock Subtable