Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxWebDecode SourceExpression, Target [, Encoding]
ActionDecodes strings for later use in a web page or URI
ScopeCan be used anywhere

SourceExpression is a string expression.

Target should be a memo, or string large enough to contain the result.

Encoding is type HTTP percent encoding type, as WebOutput:

  • 4 JSON UTF-8 - see below
  • 3 The string is first percent decoded then base64 decoded
  • 2 or 1 The string is percent decided

WebDecode does not distinguish between values 1 and 2, as all it is interested in are the % encodings. The values are retained for compatibility with other statements.

If Encoding is set to 4, Equinox expects a UTF-8 string compatible with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in SourceExpression. See RFC 4627 section 2.5 for full details; non-printable characters are represented as "\u00XX", and other characters are escaped, for example linefeed is "\n".

CategoryWeb Server
See Also WebOutput, WebOutputFile, WebEncode