Equinox Online Help - Language Reference - A to Z



Applies to
SyntaxZoom [SwitchExpression] [, TitleText], PositionAtEnd]
Action[Statement] Expands or shrinks a memo field on a form.
ScopeOnly usable in form methods, but not in subtables.

This statement expands or shrinks a memo field on a form. The appropriate memo field must be selected as the current field before the statement is used.

The argument, SwitchExpression, is evaluated as either True or False. If it is True, the memo is expanded, otherwise it shrinks. If omitted, SwitchExpression defaults to True.

TitleText can be used optionally, to change the title of the zoomed window.

If the optional PositionAtEnd is supplied as True, the cursor is placed at the end of the memo, otherwise at the beginning.

This statement has the same effect as selecting Zoom/ Unzoom Memo from the Edit menu, during data entry.

CategoryRecord data entry
See Also Zoom, Find, FindText, GetFindValues, IsInsertMode, RestoreRecord, SaveRecord, SetFindValues, SetInsertMode, StartEdit, StartInsert, UpdateDisplay

This method changes the focus to a memo field, whose object name is details and expands it.

if SysMode = EditMode, InsertMode then
ChangeObject "details" Zoom true
end if