Language Reference - System Workareas



DefaultSoftware settings (Control - Show duration)

Controls the display of task duration on the status bar. Only read at the start of a task. Acceptable values are:

  • 0 No display of task duration
  • 1 Status bar displays task duration (in seconds) if Statistics dialog pauses at end of task execution (as specified by SysPause)
See AlsoSysAlwaysOnTop, SysAutoClose, SysBeep, SysCentury, SysCoordinates, SysCountStep, SysDictMode, SysErrorMode, SysFormBeep, SysFullNavigator, SysGridLines, SysIndexMode, SysInfoPrompt, SysLanguage, SysLocation, SysLogWarn, SysMsgTimeout, SysNavigator, SysNavigatorMode, SysNotFoundWarn, SysPause, SysPauseTime, SysPubAppWarn, SysQuickPrompt, SysRevisionLevel, SysSingleWindow, SysSortFlag, SysSuppress, SysTimeout, SysToolbar